Shinshu Roman Wheat Ale By Reijin Shuzo 

Shinshu Roman Wheat Ale is a 5% wheat ale from Reijin Shuzo, based in Nagano, Japan. It’s part of their limited edition range and can be found in both cans and on tap across the Nagano region, but only in cans further afield. Not much is known about Shinshu Roman Wheat Ale besides it using a blend of waters from the Nagano region – who’d have thought that would be a thing.

Shinshu Roman Wheat Ale 信州浪漫ビール ウィートエール

Shinshu Roman Wheat Ale Aroma and Taste

Shinshu Roman Wheat Ale poured out a golden yellow colour with a large fluffy white head on top that lingered throughout drinking. There was a subtle wheaty aroma to it, along with some bananas and a fruity yeasty aroma to it – overall quite pleasant but nothing spectacular.

The body was nigh on identical to the nose – a large wheat flavour to it with a fruity phenolic yeasty kick to it that was more pleasant than I expected. Shinshu Roman Wheat Ale couldn’t be described as an exciting beer by any means but it was a solid wheat ale that offered up something different.

Shinshu Roman Wheat Ale The Bottom Line

Shinshu Roman Wheat Ale did something that I didn’t expect and surprised me – but then I wasn’t expecting much to be honest.

Where to Buy Shinshu Roman Wheat Ale

Shinshu Roman Wheat Ale can be bought online at the following places:

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