Karuizawa Craft Saurus Pale Ale by Yo-Ho Brewing

Karuizawa Craft Saurus Pale Ale is a 5.5% American pale ale from Yo-Ho Brewing, based in Saku, in Nagano, Japan. It’s part of their Karuizawa range of beers, which means it’s only available in the Karuizawa area. Karuizawa Craft Saurus Pale Ale came out in 2017 and was the first addition to the Karuizawa range in 20 years.

Karuizawa Craft Saurus 軽井沢クラフトザウルス

Karuizawa Craft Saurus Pale Ale Aroma and Taste

Karuizawa Craft Saurus Pale Ale poured out a light hazy orange colour with a fluffy white head on top that clung to the side of the glass. It had a lemony and grapefruit aroma with a slight biscuit nose coming through too. For a basic American pale ale, Karuizawa Craft Saurus Pale Ale was more hop-forward than I was expecting but the hops were not overpowering nor were they verging on soapy, as sometimes is the case.

The initial bitterness was sharp but faded fast to leave a lemon and grapefruit twang behind. Some subtle flavours of pine were present once Karuizawa Craft Saurus had warmed up but by that point the malts had also become more pronounced as well. At 5%, Karuizawa Craft Saurus Pale Ale isn’t a going to get you drunk quickly, but it is a refreshing beer that could easily be consumed quickly without realising. It finished off with lingering citrus flavours.

Karuizawa Craft Saurus Pale Ale The Bottom Line

Karuizawa Craft Saurus Pale Ale is a decent made American pale ale. It’s a shame it’s available in a limited area.

Where to Buy Karuizawa Craft Saurus Pale Ale

Karuizawa Craft Saurus Pale Ale can only be bought in the Karuizawa area.

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