Futako Hanamizuki White by Futako Beer

Futako Hanamizuki White is a 4.5% white ale from Futako Beer, based in Tokyo, Japan. It’s part of their all-year round range and like some of the others, it’s contract brewed at Kiuchi Brewery aka Hitachino Nest. The label was designed by a local company called “futacolabo” who, in conjunction with Futako Beer, have decided to donate a portion of the sales from Futako Hanamizuki White towards supporting disable people. Oh, and the ingredients? Who knows as nothing is listed about Futako Hanamizuki White besides it having some wheat in. Great.

Futako Hanamizuki White

It’s not a NE IPA so do not adjust your screen.

Futako Hanamizuki White Aroma and Taste

The first thing you notice about Futako Hanamizuki White when it’s poured into a glass is how hazy it looks – this is some seriously unfiltered beer with lumps of yeast settling at the bottom of the glass. Perhaps this is deliberate but for new drinkers of craft beer, then it could be off putting. Just give the bottle your best flick of the wrist to get only the beer out. Futako Hanamizuki White came up a slight muddy golden colour with a pure white collar of head. Some places have listed Futako Hanamizuki White as a hefeweizen but the aroma was nothing like one – fruity yes, but not of bananas nor of phenols either. Some hints of wheat came through along with a slight honey tinge to it, but nothing outstanding really.

It’s been a while since I’ve drink Futako Hanamizuki White and to say it was forgettable is spot on – my notes have it as “a bland interpretation of a beer that lacked any refreshing qualities to it”. Harsh but fair. It was a smooth beer, even with the yeast but once that has settled then it’s all good to drink, and didn’t have any bitterness to it during drinking or in the aftertaste.

Futako Hanamizuki White The Bottom Line

Futako Hanamizuki White is a forgettable white ale that offered nothing of note.

Where to Buy Futako Hanamizuki White

Futako Hanamizuki White can be bought online at the following places:

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