Daisen G Kohaku Weiss by Kumezakura Daisen Brewery

Daisen G Kohaku Weiss is a 5.5% German hefeweizen from Kumezakura Daisen Brewery, based in Tottori, Japan. It’s part of their autumn seasonal lineup, and can be found in both bottle and on tap. The name Kohaku, which means amber in English, is used to differentiate this from their regular weizen. Even though it has the word “kohaku” in its name, Daisen G Kohaku Weiss has nothing to do with the (awful) end-of-year music festival concert where two “teams” battle it out.

Daisen G Kohaku Weiss

Thank god no music is involved in this one.

Daisen G Kohaku Weiss Aroma and Taste

Kumezakura weren’t joking when they said that Daisen G Kohaku Weiss was amber – it poured out a deep hazy copper colour with a decent amount of slightly off-white head before collapsing in on itself. The head did linger for a little while after drinking, though by halfway, it had disappeared to a thin ring around the edge of the glass. Most peculiarly, it had a muted banana and clove aroma, though that was probably due to the caramel malty aromas coming through instead – like I said peculiar. Weizens are not supposed to have a caramel aroma, so my brain was confused initially.

The banana and cloves came through first of all in the body, before the caramel made an appearance, with its rich balance of sweetness contrasting well against the phenolic banana. Once Daisen G Kohaku Weiss had warmed up, there was a peppery earthiness to it as well, and with it being quite light on the carbonation, proved to be very crisp and easy-drinking, leaving only a faint banana aftertaste on the palate that faded quickly.

Daisen G Kohaku Weiss The Bottom Line

Amber hefeweizens  – who’d have thought they were a style, or even they would work. I liked Daisen G Kohaku Weiss and would happily drink it again. If I could find it.

Where to Buy Daisen G Kohaku Weiss

Daisen G Kohaku Weiss can be bought online at the following places:

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