Baeren Schwarz by Baeren Beer

Baeren Schwarz is a 5.5% schwarz beer from Baeren Beer, based in Iwate,  Japan. It’s part of their all-year round line up and can be found in both bottles and on tap across Japan. It’s brewed to a traditional south German style with plenty of black malt – and that’s all we could find out about this beer. We don’t know if it’s won any awards either.

Baeren Schwarz

Pitch black even in bright sunshine.

Baeren Schwarz Aroma and Taste

Baeren Schwarz poured out a pitch black colour – so dark that not even bright winter sunshine could permeate through the body. It had a slight off-white head with flecks of tan on tap; however, it faded quickly to a thin ring of bubbles around the side of the glass. Baeren Schwarz had a strong aroma of roasted malts – some hints of caramel were there too but the acrid, charcoal-like black malt aroma was the most prominent aroma. Some floral hop aroma came through once it had warmed up, but Baeren Schwarz is all about the roasted malts.

The charcoal-like aroma carried through into the body and was balanced nicely with a sweet coffee flavour. If you drink coffee then you know that it sometimes has a bitter kick to it, and Baeren Schwarz’s coffee flavour is no different. Baeren Schwarz was more roasted than other schwarzbiers I’ve had but it was surprisingly softer overall, which could have been due to a smooth chocolate flavour finishing up the flavours going on. However, the aftertaste felt a little chalky and the thin body let Baeren Schwarz down in the end.

Baeren Schwarz The Bottom Line

Baeren Schwarz is a decent schwarz that is worth trying if you can find it.

Where to Buy Baeren Schwarz

Baeren Schwarz can be bought online at the following places:

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1 comment

chuwyboy August 25, 2017 - 11:52 am

A good schwarz. I brought one back from iwate.


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