Johana Mugiya Ale by Johana Beer

Johana Mugiya Ale is a 5.5% American pale from Johana Beer, based in Toyama, Japan. It’s part of their all-year round range of beers and can be found in bottles, as well as on tap, across Japan. Johana Mugiya Ale is brewed using locally sourced Koshihikari rice, deemed to be one of the best strains of Japonica rice and is also highly valued in the area for its use in sake production. The name Johana Mugiya Ale stems from the local festival that is held annually in the Toyama area around harvest time, though most surprisingly, Johana Mugiya Ale contains barley syrup and also malt extract – perhaps a first for us to review on BeerTengoku. Johana Mugiya Ale is the sibling of the Johana Hakama IPA, both which are brewed with locally sourced ingredients, though with slightly different flavour profiles.

Johana Mugiya Ale

A little bit sickly sweet at times.

Johana Mugiya Ale Aroma and Taste

Johana Mugiya Ale poured out a hazy muddy orange colour with a minimal amount of clean white head on top – it wasn’t the most inspiring beer I had that day but for a supposed American pale ale, it did look a bit limp compared to most AmPAs I’ve had. The aroma was pretty potent though, with lots of fruitiness coming through. Lemon and grapefruit bounced off the beer with a smooth wheatiness following swiftly after.

It was more of the same while drinking  Johana Mugiya Ale, with the citrus fruits coming through with them playing off nicely against the wheatiness from the beer. The only negative thing I could say about  Johana Mugiya Ale is that it did get a bit sweet as it warmed up – a tad too much for my liking, so make sure it is chilled. It ends up with a slight bitter flourish at the end, though that faded fast. If there was rice used during brewing then it must have missed me by as I couldn’t detect any of the usual giveaway hints of sake-like or rice flavours. A shame there really.

 Johana Mugiya Ale The Bottom Line

Johana Mugiya Ale could be best described as a wheaty pale ale – it’s interesting enough to warrant a try if you can find it cheap enough.

Where to Buy  Johana Mugiya Ale

Johana Mugiya Ale can be bought online at the following places:

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