Baeren Hana Beer by Baeren

Baeren Hana Beer is a 5.5% pilsner from Baeren, based in Iwate, Japan. It’s part of a colloboration effort they did with Light Up Nippon, geared towards getting people to remember the Tohoku Earthquake that occurred in March 11th, 2011 by creating a massive firework festival for people all over Japan to come and watch. As such, ¥60 from every bottle of Baeren Hana Beer is donated towards supporting this festival. At the time of writing, it’s unknown whether Baeren Hana Beer is a one-off entry under this collaborative effort, or will come out again in 2017.

Baeren Hana Beer

Light up your life with beer.

Baeren Hana Beer Aroma and Taste

Baeren Hana Beer poured out a clear golden-straw like colour with little to no head on it. I was a tad surprised by this as Baeren’s beers have tended to be on the more lively end of the scale for Japanese beers though there were plenty of bubbles coming up from the bottom of the glass. It had a light, crisp caramel aroma with hints of honey and a slight graininess to it.

When chilled, Baeren Hana Beer tasted like a prototypical pilsners – clean, crisp, slightly sweet, with a smidge of hop bitterness in the mix but very drinkable. It was the same until it had warmed up, when the wheatiness came through more pronounced, leaving a biscuity flavour on the palate. It had a decent mouthfeel, slightly bubbly but not too sticky or gassy. There was some hint of noble hops in the body, but it was all about the malts in Baeren Hana Beer. It left a sweet flavour on the palate, before disappearing away.

Baeren Hana Beer The Bottom Line

Baeren Hana Beer isn’t an exceptional pilsner, but it is drinkable and tasty – sometimes that’s all you need.

Where to Buy Baeren Hana Beer

Baeren Hana Beer can be bought online at the following places:

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1 comment

Oliver August 10, 2017 - 3:01 pm

Hana Beer has been available for a while, but is not constantly available. I bought bottles from Baeren’s online store once or twice in the last two years.

I agree with the review, a solid beer, OK for the price and a nice change.


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