Kizakura Kyoto Classic by Kizakura Beer

Kizakura Kyoto Classic is a 4.5% Amber ale from Kizakura Beer, based in Kyoto, Japan. It was first released in 2016, though managed to slip under the radar for most beer drinkers. Kizakura Kyoto Classic is part of Kizakura Beer’s push to expand into new markets, in particular overseas ones in Asia and the US. It’s brewed using Saaz hops and also Iwai rice, a strain that is local to the Kyoto area. At the time of writing, Kizakura Kyoto Classic can be found in both bottles and on tap.

Kizakura Kyoto Classic

“haha – classic Kyoto!”

Kizakura Kyoto Classic Aroma and Taste

Kizakura Kyoto Classic poured out a deep amber copper colour with a slightly off white tan head that started out frothy until slowly collapsing on itself. It had a strong sweet aroma of caramel and chocolate too. There was a hint of spice from the hops too but it was the malts running the show in Kizakura Kyoto Classic – unashamedly so too.

Drinking Kizakura Kyoto Classic is akin to sucking down on some sweet sugar solution – it was caramel from start to finish, with some crisp bite in it. A most peculiar dichotomy going on. I like a nice sweet beer from time to time, with amber or red ales being a nice change of pace from hoppy beers, but Kizakura Kyoto Classic was just not agreeing with me for some reason. When it was chilled, it was drinkable and short-lasting on the palate, though when it warmed up, it became cloying and boring.

Kizakura Kyoto Classic The Bottom Line

Drink Kizakura Kyoto Classic and it’s drinkable – just don’t let it warm up too much.

Where to Buy Kizakura Kyoto Classic

Kizakura Kyoto Classic can be bought online at the following places:

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