Umenishiki Blanche by Umenishiki Yamakawa

Umenishiki Blanche is a 5% witbier from Umenishiki Yamakawa, based in Ehime. It’s brewed using domestically sourced wheat and barley malt and contains iyokan, which is a Japanese citrus fruit similar to mandarin oranges and the second most produced citrus fruit in Japan. Umenishiki Blanche is part of the all-year round range of beers and can be found in both bottles and on draft.

Umenishiki Blanche

A Japanese style witbier with all-Japanese ingredients.

Umenishiki Blanche Aroma and Taste

Umenishiki Blanche poured out a soapy golden straw-like colour with a minimal amount of head on top that faded very quickly to a thin ring around the edge of the glass. It had a strong orange-like aroma to it along with a traditional aroma of faint yeasty bread and some bananas in the background. If there was a spice aroma to it, then it must have been incredibly subdued as I couldn’t pick anything up.

The body seemed to follow a witbier more closely than the nose as Umenishiki Blanche had a slight spicy kick to it which was balanced nicely with the orange flavours from the iyokan. It also had hints of yeast with some wheaty flavours coming through. It had a smooth mouthfeel to it that didn’t leave any sticky residue on the tongue. The aftertaste was slightly peppery with the orange flavour perhaps the stronger of the two flavours though neither were long lasting and faded to a subtle wheaty edge.

Umenishiki Blanche One Line Review

Umenishiki Blanche is a well-balanced witbier that won’t blow your mind but neither will it disappoint.

Where to Buy Umenishiki Blanche

Umenishiki Blanche can be bought online at the following places:

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