Hansharo Hyoro Triple by Hansharo Beer

Hansharo Hyoro Triple is a 6% Belgian tripel from Hansharo Beer, based in Shizuoka, Japan. It’s part of their winter seasonal lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap at the time of writing. Hansharo Hyoro Triple was first released in 2016 though we’re unsure what went into it as the Hansharo Beer homepage is lacking in any detailed information about it besides this beer using three times the amount of malt as normal and that it’s fermented using Belgian yeast.

Hansharo Hyoro Triple

Belgian dubbel = 9%, Belgian tripel = 6%?

Hansharo Hyoro Triple Aroma and Taste

Now, I’m no genius but when I see tripel having less alcohol than a dubbel than I immediately think something is afoot, and with Hansharo Hyoro Triple, then something was afoot. Coming in at 6%, yes 6% – none of this 9% Chimay lark going on here – I thought that someone had made a mistake in the brewing process. It poured a deep amber colour with a fairy frothy head that faded fast. Hansharo Hyoro Triple lacked the usual malt aroma that I expected but it was certainly bready and yeasty with caramel aromas coming to the forefront. There was no chance of any hops getting through, so if you’re a hop-head, then you might as well go find yourself another now.

With the only things about the beer I managed to find were the amount of malt and the fact that Belgian yeast was used, then it was also going to be hard to review Hansharo Hyoro Triple – unless I had another tripel. Lo and behold, Chimay appeared. If you’re going to make a tripel, then it better stand up to one of the most famous ones on this planet. And you know what? Hansharo Hyoro Triple didn’t. While it was sweet, it lacked any real substantial Belgian punch from the yeast, and also had a peculiar sour note to it – either the batch was off or there were some additional ingredients I didn’t know about – and that wouldn’t surprise me. Hansharo Hyoro Triple finished off as it started, quite sweet with a hint of peaches but nothing exciting really.

Hansharo Hyoro Triple The Bottom Line

In Japan, Hansharo Hyoro Triple costs the same amount as a Chimay Purple. Save your coins and go for that instead.

Where to Buy Hansharo Hyoro Triple

Hansharo Hyoro Triple can be bought online at the following places:

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Darren February 10, 2017 - 1:08 am

You probably meant Chimay Blue. I don’t think there is a Purple. Usually I wouldn’t care about it, but now I have something to write on your blog and get points for your contest.

Rob February 11, 2017 - 7:14 am

Probably. 😉
Though it’s 9% or so, so the eyes go a bit weird with beer that strength – especially if it’s the large bottle that is being consumed.


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