Ise Kadoya Up Up IPA by Ise Kadoya 

Ise Kadoya Up Up IPA is a 6% American IPA from Ise Kadoya, based in Mie, Japan. It’s part of their limited edition range and was first released in November 2016. Ise Kadoya Up Up IPA, which is also known as Ise Kadoya Up² IPA, was brewed in collaboration with Uetake-san, famed ex-brewer from Coedo and currently brewing at Ushitora Brewery in Tochigi. It’s brewed with imported American Amarillo, Cascade, and Mosaic hops, with Uetake-san pushing “up” the brewing technique hence the name Ise Kadoya Up Up IPA. At the time of writing, it can be found in both bottles and on tap.

Ise Kadoya Up Up IPA Bottle
Looking good in the bottle.
Cube Bar Ise Kadoya Up Up IPA
Ise Kadoya Up Up IPA

Ise Kadoya Up Up IPA Aroma and Taste

Having tried Ise Kadoya Up Up IPA both on tap and in bottle, it’s safe to say the bottled version is better than the draft. It’s not often I say that though with bars playing around with CO2 settings on a whim, it can mean a beer comes out too soft or too highly carbonated. The aroma of Ise Kadoya Up Up IPA in both bottles and tap had similar aromas of orange and citrus, with a light sweetness coming through but the appearance was the biggest difference. The bottled version was slightly more hazy and a darker golden-brown colour than the draft version I had at Cube Bar. The head lingered more on the bottled version though both faded to a slight half a finger or so in the end.

Ise Kadoya Up Up IPA tasted much better out of the bottle than it did out of the tap – the bottled version was bitter but much smoother with its bitterness than compared to the tap version. However, neither version really pushed the boat out in terms of flavours – with a light sweetness from the malts coming through after a citrusy orange bite at first. Unfortunately, none of the citrus flavour lasted very long, with just the bitterness residing any longer. Ise Kadoya Up Up IPA finished off with a light crisp bite with the bottled version being slightly sharper than the draft version.

Ise Kadoya Up Up IPA The Bottom Line

Ise Kadoya Up Up IPA is solid American IPA that is better from the bottle than on tap I guess. However, neither really pushed the envelope in terms of flavours or style.

Where to Buy Ise Kadoya Up Up IPA

Ise Kadoya Up Up IPA can be bought online at the following places:

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