Craft Beer Kanazawa

Craft Beer Kanazawa is a two day craft beer event held in Shinoki Geihinkan Hall in Kanazawa city on October 1st and 2nd. It’s open on both days from 11:00am, though on the 1st it closes at 20:00, and 17:00 on the second. It’s in the fifth year now and is starting to grow in popularity as other craft beer festivals have long passed and not much else is in the area.

Breweries attending Craft Beer Kanazawa

The list of beers available on the day can be found here (Japanese only), with the amount at the time of writing being upwards of 80 different beers – some regular, some limited edition beers too.

How to Get Tickets For Craft Beer Kanazawa

Craft Beer Kanazawa Glass

240ml glass for 400yen, or free in advance.

Tickets on the day will set you back 3000yen for 15 tickets, with 2 tickets needed to get a 240ml beer. If you do buy the ¥3,000 ticket, then it also includes a special glass for the event. Tickets on the day will set you back ¥400 for two, so make sure you do get yourself some advance tickets if you’re going.

Tickets can be bought in advance from the following places:

  • Lawson using the code 58845
  • Seven Eleven, Circle K, Familymart using the Pia code 990-493

How to Get to Craft Beer Kanazawa

The closest station to Shinoki Geihinkan Hall in Kanazawa city is JR Kanazawa station. It’s about a 30-minute walk though there are buses running from the east exit. If you take buses from stops 3, 6, or 8-11, it should take you about 10 minutes.

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