Atsugi Hopslave by Atsugi Beer

Atsugi Hopslave is a 9% imperial IPA from Atsugi Beer in collaboration with Thrashzone Brew Labo. It is sold at both Thrashzone locations and also at Lambic in Atsugi. It has its origins in the Russian River Pliny the Elder with Mochizuki-san and Katsuki-san wanting to brew something similar to that beer but not a copy. With the goal of achieving something so potent, it’s not surprising that Atsugi Hopslave regularly tops out at over 100 IBU. At the time of writing, it can be found on draft and also in bottles at Lambic.

Atsugi Hopslave (Draft)
Draft is really hit and miss all the time.
Atsugi Hopslave (Bottled)
Very different in the bottle compared to draft.

Atsugi Hopslave Aroma and Taste

First up is the draft version from Thrashzone Yokohama, not to be confused with Thrashzone Meatballs. Atsugi Hopslave is a funny one on draft – I’ve had some great versions of it showcasing how delicious balanced an imperial IPA can be; strong malty backbone with a generous helping of citrus lemon and pine bitterness. But then at other times, it’s been a muddy mess of Belgian yeast influence and has lost the citrus punch. It’s a shame that the recipe can’t be pinned down to one type and as such, I’m loathed to recommend it on tap before at least getting a sample.

The bottled version, which is produced at the Atsugi Beer brewery, was in much better shape and a better representation of how could this beer can be. The difference in colour is clear to see – with the bottled being the example of how it should be done. The malty backbone is sweet but not cloying and the hop profile bangs through with its citrus grapefruit and lemon punch. The bitterness was strong in the bottled version though it didn’t linger for long in the aftertaste. Instead, the grapefruit and lemon punch took its place.

Atsugi Hopslave One Line Review

If you can, get the bottled version as you’re more than likely going to get the better version of Atsugi Hopslave. The draft is really hit-and-miss though.

Where to Get Atsugi Hopslave

Atsugi Hopslave can be bought in bottles from Atsugi Beer. Just send an email with your order. The draft version can be bought at Thrashzone, Thrashzone Meatballs (Kannai), and Lambic.

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