Tamamura Honten Yamabushi Saison One by Tamamura Honten

Tamamura Honten Yamabushi Saison One is a 6.5% saison from Tamamura Honten, makers of the Shiga Kogen range of beers. It is brewed using locally-sourced hops and also sake rice. It is then bottled, without it being filtered, into 750ml wine bottles, a rarity in Japan. Tamamura Honten Yamabushi Saison One is available all-year round though we’re yet to see it on draught.

Tamamura Honten Yamabushi Saison One

Excuse the glass but wanted to drink this slowly.

Tamamura Honten Yamabushi Saison One Aroma and Taste

With Joe not being a fan of, or unable to drink, saisons, it was up to me to drink this one. Tamamura Honten Yamabushi Saison One poured out a light golden straw-like colour with a large frothy head – something reminiscent of a champagne for want of a better description. The head lasted for a long time and in the end I had to get a spoon to remove some of it as I was just drinking gassy head at first. Subsequent glasses didn’t have as much of a problem with the head so perhaps as it warms up, the head level decreases? The aroma coming off of it was spicy with hints of oranges and a strong koji / sake aroma too. Perhaps a little too much though if you’re not used to it.

As mentioned, Tamamura Honten Yamabushi Saison One did have some champagne qualities in that the body was far drier than expected for a saison. The Belgian roots were strong with this one though as the spiciness was present along with some herbal flourishes too from the hops but the koji / sake flavours came through too. The flavours were more balanced in the body than in the aroma and only got better as it warmed up throughout drinking. It finished off with a spicy kick to the palate and a mild bitter crisp to the aftertaste.

Tamamura Honten Yamabushi Saison One One Line Review

Tamamura Honten Yamabushi Saison One is a pricey purchase but it is a really nice saison and worth trying at a bottle share event if you can.

Where to Buy Tamamura Honten Yamabushi Saison One

Tamamura Honten Yamabushi Saison One can be bought online at the following places:

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