Yorocco Saison by Yorocco Beer

Yorocco Saison is a 4% saison from Yorocco Beer, based in Zushi, Kanagawa. It was the fourth entry into the bottled range released in 2016 and came out at the beginning of April 2016. 4% I hear you say. What’s going on there? Well, the typical saison from Belgium is far lower in strength, at about 2% to 4%. This was so the farm workers could drink a nice refreshing beer in the hot summer sun without getting drunk, thus being unable to work.

Yorocco Beer ヨロッコセゾンYorocco Saison Aroma and Taste

I have to admit, I was deeply disappointed with the Yorocco IPA from the third batch of the bottled release, and as a result, I was desperately looking forward to this with the hope that the in-house yeast would shine through. Yorocco Saison poured out a hazy dark golden orange colour with a minimal amount of clean white head on top. The Belgian yeast nose was the most noticeable aroma coming off of it, along with a subtle bready and citrus nose to it as well. The aromas were incredibly clean and sharp without any hints of over-hopping such as grassiness.

Drinking Yorocco Saison meant that some of the flavours had been dulled but the crisp sharpness of the body was punctuated nicely with the yeasty bready flavours and a sharp, but slight, sourness to it that was balanced nicely. When the beer had warmed up a bit more, it had a pleasant fruity properties to it, such as orange and also a hint of caramel sweetness too. The sourness lingered a little bit in the aftertaste but it didn’t last long as I wanted desperately to drink more of this.

Yorocco Saison One Line Review

Yorocco Saison is definitely one of the best beers from Yorocco Beer – get it before it sells out.

Where to Buy Yorocco Saison

Yorocco Saison can be bought direct from Yorocco Beer via the homepage here.

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