Outsider The Counties Pale Ale by Outsider Brewing

Outsider The Counties Pale Ale is a 5.5% American pale ale from Outsider Brewing, based in Yamanashi. It’s part of their all-year round range and can be found on draft form online, at the time of writing. It’s brewed using Styrian Goldings hops from Slovenia as the aroma hops and has an IBU of 29.

Cafe and Bar Synchronicity Beer 3 Outsider The Counties Pale Ale

Outsider The Counties Pale Ale

Outsider The Counties Pale Ale Aroma and Taste

It’s been awhile since our interview with Niwa-san and Mark Major from Outsider Brewing and ever since, we’ve been meaning to sit down with their beers and review them. Once Joe gave the agreement to go ahead and start doing draft reviews, Outsider The Counties Pale Ale has been on my “to-drink” list again. Whenever I have seen it on a craft beer bar’s Facebook or Twitter feed has often been either a few days after I’ve been to the bar, or while I’m unable to go. I wasn’t going to miss the chance when I went to Synchronicity though..No sir.

Outsider The Counties Pale Ale poured out an amber-bronze colour with a slightly off-white beige head that had a creamy texture to it. The aroma coming off of it was of a slight caramel edge and some buttery and a light citrus, spiciness to it. While it is an American pale ale, the hop aromas were more muted than I expected.

The body had a slight buttery texture to it and along with caramel malts, reminded me a little of shortbread. When it was served cold, it was extremely crisp though once it had warmed up a bit, some of the butteriness came out in the body. It reminded me very much of some English pale ales, such as Bass, that I’ve had in the past. It finished off with a slight bitter citrus note that faded quite quickly. It was definitely a refreshing and easy-drinking beer but lacked something to make it stand out.

Outsider The Counties Pale Ale One Line Review

Outsider The Counties Pale Ale is an average pale ale. It’s drinkable but coming from Niwa-san, I expected something with a bit of punch.

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