Yorocco Black Saint by Yorocco Beer

Yorocco Black Saint is a 7.5% Imperial porter from Yorocco Beer that was first released in bottle form in February 2016. It was part of their limited edition range, and was the first beer of four to be released, with Yorocco Kinkan Blond being the second. As it’s an imperial porter, this review is the first with the other five bottles being drunk throughout the year to see how the flavour of Yorocco Black Saint changes throughout the year.

Yorocco Black Saint

Same label as the Yorocco Kinkan Blond with just a BS stamped on the front to mark the difference.

Yorocco Black Saint Aroma and Taste

Yorocco Black Saint poured out a pitch black colour with a small amount of frothy tan head that dissipated fairly quickly to leave a thin oily ring around the side of the glass. There was a strong aroma of coffee and chocolate malts with the alcohol well hidden behind a slight smokey aroma too. It smelt young as the smells were a little harsh on the nose but seeing as it hasn’t had time to age, it will be interesting to see how those aromas change over the year.

Yorocco Black Saint’s body first came across as having a rich mouthfeel and heavy that was more than able to support the strong flavours of coffee and chocolate. There was also some hints of lactose in the beer as well with the creaminess lingering on through to the aftertaste on the palate. It felt quite dry too but then I like that. While this bottle of Yorocco Black Saint was young and definitely needs aging, I’m looking forward to seeing how it develops.

Yorocco Black Saint One Line Review

Buy some Yorocco Black Saint and drink it throughout the year – well worthy of the price.

Where to Buy Yorocco Black Saint

Yorocco Black Saint can be bought direct from the Yorocco Beer site here.

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