Iwate Kura Golden Ale by Sekinoichi Shuzo

Iwate Kura Golden Ale, also known as Iwate Kura Kinirudo which means golden hall, is a summer seasonal beer from Sekinoichi Shuzo that has an abv of 5% and is brewed using European hops. It’s usually on sale from mid-May and can be found in both bottled and draught form. The golden hall on Iwate Kura Golden Ale refers to the building that can be found at the Sekinoichi Shuzo distillery.


Iwate Kura Golden Ale

I wish the label and gold on it. Would help pay for the beers.

Iwate Kura Golden Ale Aroma and Taste

I was hoping that Sekinoichi Shuzo had been super generous with this bottle of Iwate Kura Golden Ale and had included gold somewhere on the bottle so I could make some money off it. Alas, no gold was to be found as I scratched the label off, which I could have sworn was a euphemism for something when I was younger. Anyway, strange stories aside, Iwate Kura Golden Ale poured out a deep golden colour with a large amount of frothy, slightly off-white head. I had this at the Keyaki Festival way back in May, but the aroma was much stronger then than now. It had a fruity aroma of orange hops and smoke along with some grassy notes.

Iwate Kura Golden Ale’s body was thinner than I remember but then I had consumed a few too many beers at the Keyaki, but then who hadn’t? The malts and hops were well-balanced but neither of them packed a punch. It would have been nice for the caramel and citrusy tastes to have been more forthcoming or stronger but it wasn’t meant to be. Not that it’s a bad thing as Iwate Kura Golden Ale was still hoppier than your usual golden ale but balance seemed to be a competition of two gentlemen trying to be more chivalrous than the other.

Iwate Kura Golden Ale One Line Review

Iwate Kura Golden Ale is hoppier than your regular golden ale but lacks a hook.

Where to Buy Iwate Kura Golden Ale

Iwate Kura Golden Ale can be bought from

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1 comment

Oliver October 25, 2015 - 8:06 pm

I agree. I just had a bottle. It is a normal golden ale, but not what you would expect from the golden bottle design. Some more inspiration would be nice.


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