Atsugi Stout by Atsugi Beer Company

Atsugi Stout is a 6.5% English style stout from Atusgi Beer Company in Kanagawa and is part of the year-round range. It has also won two beer awards back in 2006 for best bottled beer and also best dark ale at the Japan Beer Cup. Atsugi Stout used to be known as the Atsugi Marine Brew Stout as it was once brewed with deep-sea water from the Miura peninsula area; however, it is now brewed with water from the Tanzawa mountain range.

Atsugi Stout

No longer brewed with deep sea water, instead locally sourced water from the Tanzawa area.

Atsugi Stout Aroma and Taste

After finally getting my hands on a bottle of Atsugi Stout, I wasn’t going to rush it. I’ve been trying to finding it for ages but alas, always came up short. World Beer Market finally had a bottle come in and boom, ordered. I checked again later that day and it had already sold out. The pour was slow and careful as I heard from a friend that Atsugi Stout can be lively. There was no repeat of the K’s Brewing Amaou Oatmeal Stout explosion with this one, as it filled the glass with a pitch black body and a thin layer of brownish head. Roasted coffee beans, chocolate, and a peaty aroma came off it along with a creaminess too.

Once Atsugi Stout had warmed up – I tend to store my beers under the house which is about 10c cooler than the rest of the house it seems – the roasted coffee and chocolate flavours were much stronger than I expected but smooth. The coffee was particularly interesting as it was akin to drinking a rich espresso that had been perfectly made with the thick layer of crema on top. Atsugi Stout also had a level of creminess that wasn’t overpowering but worked well with the coffee flavours right into the aftertaste.

Atsugi Stout One Line Review

I really liked Atsugi Stout and glad I could finally get a bottle of it to review. If you find one, it’s a definite purchase.

Where to Buy Atsugi Stout

Atsugi Stout can be bought at the following places online:

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