Iwate Kura IPA by Sekinoichi Shuzo

Iwate Kura IPA is Sekinoichi Shuzo’s main IPA that is produced all year round. It is based on the traditional IPA recipes that were once drunk after the long journey from the UK to India. Iwate Kura IPA is brewed with four times the regular amount of hops and won silver at the 2006 International Beer Competition.

Iwate Kura IPA

A deep golden colour for an English IPA.

Iwate Kura IPA Aroma and Taste

We’ve had an English IPA a couple of times on BeerTengoku now, and they were both well received. I’ve got nothing against hops, I do like a good, bitter triple IPA from time to time, but I also like to taste things after drinking beer. Iwate Kura IPA reminded me strongly of those English IPAs with the deep golden colour and a slightly off-white head. The aroma was no way even close to being as pungent as an American IPA and was more ale-like though some hops and citrus notes were present.

If you were to drink Iwate Kura IPA as an American IPA or if you are hophead, you would end up disappointed as the English style of IPA is strong in this one. It was more subtle in its bitterness associated with those kinds of IPA, instead, letting the citrus flavours play a more developed role. Iwate Kura IPA ended up with a good bitter finish that was sharp but not unpleasant.

Iwate Kura IPA One Line Review

Iwate Kura IPA is a superb example of how hops can make a subtle IPA that is easy-drinking. A great introduction for those looking to get into IPAs.

Where to Buy Iwate Kura IPA

Iwate Kura IPA can be bought at the Sekinoichi Shuzo online store here. It can also be found on GoodBeer here and also CraftBeers.jp here. I got our bottle though from Nomono in Akihabara.

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