Johana Kagayaki Wheat Seven by Johana Beer

Johana Kagayaki Wheat Seven is an American IPA from Johana Beer that packs in the abv at 7% and also the IBU at around 70 units. It was originally brewed to celebrate the opening of the Shinkansen line through to Toyama. Johana Kagayaki Wheat Seven is also brewed using locally sourced wheat known as the number 10 brand, though I’m not quite sure if that is a good thing or something for the PR department to promote.

Johana Kagayaki Wheat Seven

Johana Kagayaki Wheat Seven perhaps should be called Johana Kagayaki Wheat Ten.

Johana Kagayaki Wheat Seven Aroma and Taste

Johana Kagayaki Wheat Seven was initially an unknown beer for us. It popped up on World Beer Market without much fanfare or information behind it, but Johana had proven to be a nice range of beers so I thought “what the heck? Let’s buy a bottle”. Even searching for Johana Kagayaki Wheat Seven information on the net proved to be fruitless as not much came up in English or in Japanese.

With this troubling lack of information behind me, Johana Kagayaki Wheat Seven was opened and immediately hit by the pungent hop front screaming to get out of this bottle. Japanese craft beers aren’t famed for their bitterness, though there are exceptions, and Johana Kagayaki Wheat Seven is one of them. The sweet, citrus punch is followed up by the grapefruit nose of the hops and is in balance with a mild sweetness. The straw-like body was topped off with the most meagre of heads that was a creamy white and left a thin ring around the edge of the glass.

Johana Kagayaki Wheat Seven has an IBU of around 70 units and with that, it was always going come across as a sharp, bitter beer but I was surprised with the leniency of its bitterness. I had drunk this beer on tap a few weeks back at Craft Beer Market Koenji and enjoyed it then and I was pleased to see that the bottle form is as good as the draft. The citrus bite was present as well as a bitter flourish that was underwhelming but only because of the high IBU.

Johana Kagayaki Wheat Seven One Line Review

If you can find Johana Kagayaki Wheat Seven, then buy it and serve it chilled. It’s refreshing and sharp though not overpowering.

Where to Buy Johana Kagayaki Wheat Seven

Johana Kagayaki Wheat Seven can be bought from the Johana Beer online store here though it is sold as part of a six-pack. I got my bottle from World Beer Market here.

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