Shiga Kogen Miyama Blonde by Tamamura Honten

Summer has come and gone which means we’re lumbered drinking saisons that have been left on the shelf. Like Joe, I am not a fan of saisons. Shiga Kogen Miyama Blonde is a 6.5% Japanese take on the saison formula and I wasn’t looking forward to it. Should it be refreshing? Should it quench my thirst? I never seem to know.

Shiga Kogen Miyama Blonde

Look out teeth. Look out gums. Look out stomach, here it comes.

Shiga Kogen Miyama Blonde Aroma and Taste

Shiga Kogen Miyama Blonde pours out a hazy golden straw like colour with no head whatsoever. I tried everything, 45° angle with a little shake but I was worried about getting the dreaded sediment in the glass that would affect the taste. If saisons come out in summer, then I guess they could be the smell of summer. Shiga Kogen Miyama Blonde had a weak aroma of malt and some citrus and the typical yeasty aroma that I seem to pick up from saisons.

Drinking a saison, well, if you like drinking them then you know what to expect. Shiga Kogen Miyama Blonde tasted like a heavily yeasted beer with strong notes of citrus and a slight twang to it that I can’t really describe other than twang. A little sour as well for my liking that left itself indelibly marked on my tastebuds.

Shiga Kogen Miyama Blonde One-line Review

Shiga Kogen Miyama Blonde didn’t change my opinion of saisons like the Shiga Kogen Indian Summer Saison did. Go for that one instead.

Where to Buy Shiga Kogen Miyama Blonde

Shiga Kogen Miyama Blonde can be bought online at the following places

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