Kinshachi Blue Label by Kinshachi Beer

Coming out of Kinshachi, Nagoya, Kinshachi Blue label is a pilsner style beer that has won five awards over the last decade around the world: four golds awards at the International Beer Convention and also at the Japan cup, and one silver award as well. So this must be a good beer, right?

Kinshachi blue label

Kinshachi blue label. Not much of an original name there.

Kinshachi Blue Label Aroma and Taste

Kinshachi Blue Label pours out like a typical pilsner, with a light carbonation and a thin head that is a “blink and you’ll miss it” kind of head. In the right light, the body is a clear golden colour without much sediment or other particles in the beer. The nose of this beer is slightly hoppy with a little malt in the back-end. Besides those two aromas, there is not much else going on for Kinshachi Blue Label.

The body of Kinshachi Blue Label is fairly thin, verging on watery, with a dryness to it. The initial dryness subsides to a fruity kick with an unexpected strong tartness to it, that matches well with the dryness. The aftertaste is hoppier than expected and leaves a nice flavour on the tongue.

Kinshachi Blue Label One-Line Review

Kinshachi Blue Label has won awards but it’s difficult to see why, unless you are looking for a pilsner that is hoppy and malty with a fruit kick, as it’s an average beer at best.

Where to buy Kinshachi Blue Label

This beer can be bought online at the Kinshachi online store here, or Craftbeers here. Some good department stores and specialist craft beer shops may also stock it.

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1 comment

Oliver September 13, 2016 - 11:12 am

For me, it is better than the usual Asahi/Kirin/…. beers, especially as it is a bit more hoppy. I do not taste the malt very much. However, I have a problem with most of the craft beer pilsners, as it is hard to justify 400 or 500 yen for a bottle, when the taste is better than the standard industrial beers, but is it worth more than twice the price? That is the question here. But anyway, I would probably give it 6 out of 10.


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