Shower Beer w/Yorocco and Baird at Zushi Beach

Shower Beer Poster

On Sunday 3rd August, Happy Go Lucky and Yorocco beer hosted Shower Beer at Happy Go Lucky on Zushi Beach. With Baird Beer (Shuzenji, Izu), Yorocco brewery (Zushi, Kanagawa), Nagano trading (Yokohama, USA) and food supplied by Charcoal Grill GREEN (Yokohama), BeerTengoku bravely went outside in the scorching hot midday sun in the search for some Japanese craft beers.

Happy Go Lucky

BeerTengoku was not among these people. We were in the shade. Right at the back. With black on.

Happy Go Lucky is a seasonal beach bar, located about 10 minutes from JR Zushi station, or about 5 minutes from Keikyu Shin-Zushi station, open from 1st July until 31st August, also known as Japanese summer season. With recliners, covered areas, plenty of food and a general disdain for the new beach laws, Happy Go Lucky also has BBQs for rent. But BeerTengoku wasn’t there for the food, nor the beach laws. We just wanted some of this craft beer promised by Yorocco.

Yorocco beer
Yorocco beer just kept coming up with beers. One runs out, let's get another on the go.
Shower Beer Yorocco Amber Ale
Yorocco's Chillout Amber Ale. Smokey and woody.
Yorocco Hop Shower Session IPA
Yorocco Hop Shower Session IPA was bitter and lemony.
Yorocco Skywalker IPA
Yorocco Skywalker IPA was bitter and twisted, like an evil Jedi.

Shower Beer was busy by the time we got to the bar, and Nagano trading had sold out of their imported craft beers; however, Yorocco was still going strong, as were Baird Beer. On top of this, for every three beers, priced at ¥500, you bought, you could enter a raffle to win anything from a slice of watermelon to a rare Yorocco t-shirt. BeerTengoku managed to get a couple of stickers and not much more than that.

Yorocco beer had four different beers at Shower Beer during the time we were there: Hop shower session IPA, Chillout Amber Ale, Skywalker IPA, and Zesty Saison; however, the saison was just not happening and kept coming out too lively. A shame as from what we tried, well remember trying, the beers were good and paired well with the beating sun.

Shower beer Baird

Baird beer turned up with a reliable Pale Ale and a Japanese plum beer.

The Baird Beer Rising Sun Pale Ale is one of their regular beers, reviewed here, but the Japanese Tale Ale with Japanese plums, was tart and tasty, reinforcing their position as one of the best breweries in Japan at experimenting. Baird Beer are not afraid to experiment, with some of them coming across well, while others, well BeerTengoku hasn’t tried but we are looking forward to the wasabi based beer.

Retreating home at 5:30pm from Shower Beer, the queues were not abating and people were still waiting for some Yorocco beers and Baird beer were closing down for the evening. A well-hosted event that did a good job in promoting Yorocco beer. BeerTengoku will have an interview and tour of the Yorocco brewery next month, so come back then for more information.

Shower Beer One Paragraph Review

Shower Beer was a good way to promote Yorocco beer, a local micro-brewery, and was good fun. The beers were reasonably priced, if a little on the small side, but a good variety were on show. Same time next year?

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