Locobeer Wee Heavy is an 8.5% scotch ale from Locobeer, based in Chiba, Japan. It’s part of their limited edition anniversary seasonal lineup and can be found on sale from …
Locobeer Kaori no Nama is a 5% kölsch style beer from Locobeer, based in Chiba, Japan. It’s part of their all-year round range of craft beer and can be found …
Locobeer Super Saison (Saison de Noël) is a 9% Belgian speciality ale from Locobeer that is part of their winter seasonal range of beers. The Super Saison range are released in …
Locobeer American Barleywine is a 9.5% barleywine from Locobeer, based in Chiba. It was first released in 2013 as part of their first year anniversary in a limited batch of …
Locobeer, now in its second incarnation as a brewery, first started out as Shimono Loco Beer in 1998 but was eventually bought out by head brewer Kagitani Momoya, who is still …
Loco Tangerine Trip is a 5.5% saison from Locobeer that contains locally sourced Fukure oranges. If that sounds familiar to you, then it should as the Hitachino Nest DAi DAi …