Hansharo Hyoro Triple is a 6% Belgian tripel from Hansharo Beer, based in Shizuoka, Japan. It’s part of their winter seasonal lineup and can be found in both bottles and on …
Hansharo Beer
Hansharo Soun APA, also known as Hansharo American Pale Ale, is a 5% American Pale ale from Hansharo Beer, based in Shizuoka Japan. It’s part of their all-year round up …
Hansharo Indra is a 7.5% American IPA from Hansharo Beer. Like many of their special beers, it’s only available on draft only though it can be found across Japan. It …
Hansharo Yama Da! Koyo Da! Wheat Ale is a 5% American wheat ale from Hansharo Beer, based in Shizuoka, Japan. It’s part of their Autumn seasonal line up and its …
Hansharo Beer is a craft beer brewery located in Izunokuni city, Shizuoka. The brewery was founded in 1996, soon after the Japanese government loosened the restrictions for the beer licensing …
Hansharo Belgian Pale Ale is a 5% Belgian pale ale by Hansharo Beer, based in Izunokuni city, Shizuoka. It’s part of their spring seasonal lineup of craft beer and can …
Hansharo Mikado is a 9.5% Russian imperial stout from Hansharo that is part of their winter lineup of beers. It is first released November 2015 and is brewed using Phoenix, …