Home Beer Review Himitsu Lush

Himitsu Lush

by Rob

Himitsu Lush : Background

Himitsu Lush is a 5% tart pale ale, whatever that means, from Himitsu Beer, based in Ise city, in Mie. It’s part of their canned and draught lineup, though its availability is unknown at the time of writing. To make this beer, Himitsu Beer used the idea of locally sourced peaches, green lemons, and early mandarin oranges as a basis for the aroma, but interesting enough, didn’t actually use any fruit in the making of it.

Himitsu Lush

Himitsu Lush : At A Glance

  • ABV : 5%
  • Style : Sour ale
  • Hops : –
  • Adjuncts : –
  • IBU : –

Himitsu Lush : Sale Information

  • Availability : –
  • On Sale : From April 2023
  • Size : 350 ml

Himitsu Lush : Appearance

Dull amber orange colour with a thin layer of bubbles on top that faded to a thin ring around the side of the glass. Haze was present in the body, but I suspect it’s from being cold.

Himitsu Lush : Aroma

Lingering fruity aroma of lemons and oranges, though a subtle sourness lies underneath it all. Light sweetness in the nose, means it’s mostly fruity aromas.

Himitsu Lush : Taste

Sour, rather than bitter, and fruity, with the lemons and oranges being the main notes in the body. As the beer warms up, the sourness becomes more evident but not vinegary or overpowering.

Himitsu Lush : The Bottom Line

It’s an interesting beer for sure, and good for a warm day.

Himitsu Lush : Where to Buy

Himitsu Lush can be bought online at the following places:

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