Nara Brewing Prism

Nara Brewing Prism : Background

Nara Brewing Prism is a 6% American Belgian IPA from Nara Brewing Company, based in Nara. It’s part of their canned and draught lineup, and was first sold in 2024. It’s a hoppy Saison, fermented by Saison yeast with hops commonly used in American IPA according to Nara Brewing Company, with the hops being Hallertau Blanc, Hüll Melon, Mandarina Bavaria, and Mosaic – only one of those is found in an American IPA. At the time of writing, it’s unknown whether this beer is a one-off for 2024, or will be repeated, but it’s not the first time that Nara Brewing Company have brewed this style of beer.

Nara Brewing Prism : At A Glance

  • ABV : 6%
  • Style : American / Belgian IPA
  • Hops : Hallertau Blanc, Hüll Melon, Mandarina Bavaria, Mosaic
  • Adjuncts : –
  • IBU : 27

Nara Brewing Prism : Sale Information

  • Availability : Limited
  • On Sale : April 2024
  • Size : 350 ml

Nara Brewing Prism : Appearance

Poured out a slightly dull golden straw colour with a massive amount of frothy white head that collapsed to a thin layer of bubbles and streaks down the side of the glass.

Nara Brewing Prism : Aroma

Not potent enough to be an American IPA, and not phenolic enough to be a Belgian saison. It’s a weird one for sure. It’s a slightly melon fruity nose in the beginning, though delicate, alongside some tropical notes, but neither really stood out from another.

Nara Brewing Prism : Taste

Dry like a saison, but lacking the bitter bite associated with an American IPA. Hops were present with a slight sweet tropical flavour with some melon in the background, but everything felt rather muted – almost as if Nara Brewing couldn’t quite decide which way to go and kind of gave up. The phenols from the yeast were more potent as it warmed up, and took over the flavour profile towards the end.

Nara Brewing Prism : The Bottom Line

Pick a hop and go with it. Pick a yeast and go with it. But combining four hops with a saison yeast? Point missed.

Nara Brewing Prism : Where to Buy

Nara Brewing Prism can be bought online at the following places:

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