Riot Beer Round Midnight by Riot Beer

Riot Beer Round Midnight is a 5% Saison from Riot Beer based in Setagaya, in Tokyo, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap. Riot Beer Round Midnights is styled as a hoppy saison, so I am guessing, and I am no detective here, Riot Beer threw in a load of hops during the boiling process and decided to call it a new beer. What hops went in you ask? Well we don’t know as we couldn’t find out anything else about it.

Riot Beer Round Midnights

Riot Beer Round Midnight : At A Glance


  • Alcohol : 5%
  • Style : Saison
  • Hops : Unknown
  • IBU : 20

Sale Information

  • Availability : Regular lineup
  • On Sale : From August 2019
  • Size : 330ml
  • Price : From 600 yen

Aroma & Taste

  • Notable Aromas : Spicy phenolic nose with light pilsner bite. Very faint citrus and grape aroma.
  • Notable Tastes : Phenols play a big part in this beer, with some light malt sweetness.

Riot Beer Round Midnight : Aroma & Taste

Riot Beer Round Midnight poured out a golden hazy orange colour with a thin amount of fluffy white head, though it didn’t stick around long enough to be appreciated as it faded to a few bubbles as soon as the bottle had been poured out. The aroma was a typical saison one though, with a spicy phenolic nose to the beer, with a smidgen of pilsner sweetness lingering on in the background. If Riot Beer had used hops in the making of this beer, then they could have done with some more being thrown in as all I got was a very light dusting of lemon and grape, though only when the beer had significantly warmed up.

The body started off with a smooth phenolic taste – think more fruity than plasticky, with some of the malt bringing up the rear with a faint sweetness. The sweetness was balanced well against the phenols, but again, the hops were left lacking in the taste department, with just a weak flavour of lemon. Even then, I may have been second guessing myself as the lemon was there one moment, but gone the next.

Riot Beer Round Midnight : The Bottom Line

As a saison, Riot Beer Round Midnight is nice. As a hoppy saison? It needs more hops. Way more.

Riot Beer Round Midnight : Where to Buy It

Riot Beer Round Midnight can be bought online at the following places:

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