Riot Beer Cherub Rock is a 6% Belgian Blonde from Riot Beer, based in Setagya, Tokyo in Japan. It’s part of their draught and bottled lineup, though it’s primarily available at the brewpub of the same name. The only other thing I’ve managed to find out about this beer is that it uses honey, but what kind, how much, and in what stage of the brewing process is beyond me. And the name? Let’s just say it doesn’t have Zero meaning.

Riot Beer Cherub Rock : At A Glance
- ABV : 6%
- Style : Belgian Blonde
- IBU : N/A
- Hops : Unknown
- Availability : All Year Round
- Size : 330 ml bottle
- Price : From 700 yen
- On Sale : N/A
- Notable Aromas : Belgian yeasty funk, honey, peppery notes, yeasty.
Riot Beer Cherub Rock : Aroma and Taste
Riot Beer Cherub Rock poured out a darkish orangey brown colour with a small amount of white head on top that faded quickly to an even thinner layer of bubbles on top that stayed to the end of the drinking. The label says “who wants honey?” and Riot Beer weren’t joking. The promient aromas from Riot Beer Cherub Rock were ones of a Belgian yeasty funk, with honey and yeast, that were followed by a peppery aroma when the beer warmed up. It had a strong aroma that belied its alcohol strength.
Drinking Riot Beer Cherub Rock was not a challenge – it’s beer – but the flavours were much bolder and stronger than expected for a 6% beer. The honey brought a rustic depth, while the yeasty funk was phenolic but pleasent. When Riot Beer Cherub Rock was warm, the spicy peppery notes came through strong, as did the alcohol but again, I was left wondering, is this really 6%?
The aftertaste was a sticky, sweet honey one, with hints of booziness, and a little bit of pepperiness.
Riot Beer Cherub Rock : The Bottom Line
I was impressed with Riot Beer Cherub Rock and would happily drink another few bottles of it. One worth trying when you get to Riot Beer.
Riot Beer Cherub Rock : Where To Buy It
Riot Beer Cherub Rock can be bought online at the following places: