Ise Kadoya Stairway to Heaven by Ise Kadoya

Ise Kadoya Stairway to Heaven is a 7% American IPA from Ise Kadoya, based in Mie, Japan. It’s part of their limited edition range and can be found in both bottles and on tap, though its availability at the time of writing is unknown. Its name is a deliberate homage to the same song by Led Zeppelin, with the song being heavily played at the brewery it seems throughout the year.

Ise Kadoya Stairway to Heaven

Ise Kadoya Stairway to Heaven Aroma and Taste

Ise Kadoya Stairway to Heaven poured out a deep ruby reddish brown colour with a large frothy, slightly off-white head on top that left streaks down the side of the glass. The beer had a slightly earthy aroma to it, with some hints of citrus coming though, along with a distinct caramel nose to boot. The flavours were then compounded with a musty aroma – perhaps from oxidised hops – that, while not off-putting, was noticeable, especially as Ise Kadoya Stairway to Heaven warmed up.

At an IBU of 85, I wasn’t expecting Ise Kadoya Stairway to Heaven to hold up on the bitterness, but it was rather muted due to the sweetness of the malts. The hops did bring a slight citrus twang to the body – nothing overpowering or face turning – but it was the malts that were surprisingly the star of this beer. As Ise Kadoya Stairway to Heaven warmed up, the sweetness got stronger, and the musty earthiness of the hops grew too. The aftertaste was pretty much the same as the body, with just a bit of alcohol heat coming through.

Ise Kadoya Stairway to Heaven The Bottom Line

Ise Kadoya Stairway to Heaven is not the greatest beer in the world, nor is it a tribute.

Where to Buy Ise Kadoya Stairway to Heaven

Ise Kadoya Stairway to Heaven can be bought online at the following places:

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