Black Tide Drift Net by Black Tide Brewing

by Rob

Black Tide Drift Net is a 6% hazy IPA from Black Tide Brewing, based in Kesunnuma, in Miyagi, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup and can be found in both cans and on tap at various places. Black Tide Drift Net is brewed using Bravo and Citra hops, as well as the relatively new strain of hops called BRU-1.

Black Tide Drift Net

Black Tide Drift Net Aroma and Taste

Black Tide Drift Net poured out a hazy golden yellow colour with a medium amount of plump white head on top that faded to a thin layer of bubbles that remained throughout drinking. Black Tide Drift Net had a strong pineapple and lemon aroma, both when chilled and when warmed up, with just a hint of malt sweetness going on for good measure. The aromas didn’t really develop past that though they were in balance with one another.

Black Tide Drift Net was slightly bitter, not enough to screw your face up, but enough to let you know there was some bitterness to the beer. The pineapple and lemon citrus were the dominant flavours during drinking, with a subtle pilsner sweetness to the malt, but nothing cloying or off-putting was noted. The balance of the hop flavours remained when Black Tide Drift Net had warmed up, with a juice-like texture coming to the forefront during the aftertaste.

Black Tide Drift Net The Bottom Line

When fresh, Black Tide Drift Net is a tasty little beer.

Where to Buy Black Tide Drift Net

Black Tide Drift Net can be bought online at the following places:

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