DD4D City Pop IPA by DD4D Brewing

DD4D City Pop IPA is a 7% fruited American IPA from DD4D Brewing, based in Matsuyama, in Ehime, Japan. It’s part of their draft and bottled lineup though its availability is unknown at the time of writing. DD4D City Pop IPA uses locally sourced from the Ehime region, and also uses imported Citra hops.

DD4D City Pop IPA

DD4D City Pop IPA Aroma and Taste

DD4D City Pop IPA poured out a slightly hazy golden colour with a plump white head on top that clung to the side of the glass throughout drinking. I was expecting a fresh, vibrant lemony aroma, considering that the beer uses locally sourced lemons; however, the citrus aroma was rather muted and ended up with a musty, dulled lemon one instead. There was also a grapefruit astringency that came though once DD4D City Pop IPA had warmed up, with a faint pilsner-like sweetness coming off too.

The initial sip of DD4D City Pop IPA was thankfully bitter, with a short, sharp kick to it, that faded to leave a musty, lemon flavour soon after. I had to check to make sure that the bottle was still in date (it was) and it had been stored properly (it had), but it seemed like the mustiness was there to stay during drinking. The lingering disappointment in the beer carried on through to the end, with a faded, citrus aftertaste just lingering long enough on the palate to remind me how much I had paid for this beer.

DD4D City Pop IPA The Bottom Line

Maybe it was a bottling issue, but DD4D City Pop IPA didn’t pop for me.

Where to Buy DD4D City Pop IPA 

DD4D City Pop IPA can be bought online at the following places:

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