Two Rabbits Brown Rabbit Billabong IPA by Two Rabbits Brewing Company

Two Rabbits Brown Rabbit Billabong IPA is a 6% American IPA from Two Rabbits Brewing Company, based in Omihachiman, in Shiga, Japan. Two Rabbits Brown Rabbit Billabong IPA is available in both cans and on tap at the time of writing, and is part of their regular lineup. From Two Rabbits Brewing Company “This IPA was made together with a well-known Australian brewer and pays homage to his and our head brewer’s homeland. The colour and name of this IPA comes from the Aboriginal term billabong which means “waterway which fills up after rain.” The brown malt’s roastiness represents the heat of the outback while the fruity aroma and flavours from 2018 Galaxy hops reflect the country’s northern tropical rainforests and beaches.”

Two Rabbits Brown Rabbit Billabong IPA

Two Rabbits Brown Rabbit Billabong IPA Aroma and Taste

Two Rabbits Brown Rabbit Billabong IPA poured out a dark hazy brown colour with a plump, ever-so-slightly-off-white head that collapsed pretty fast in on itself. The aroma was a peculiar one – it smelt a bit like roasted caramel and coffee, though with some hints of lemon. It wasn’t quite the levels of a black IPA, but there was some similarity to one.

The peculiarity of Two Rabbits Brown Rabbit Billabong IPA carried on into the body – a roasted caramel and coffee flavour with an underlying citrus flavour going on. It really did seem like a softer version of a black IPA as once Two Rabbits Brown Rabbit Billabong IPA had warmed up, there was a faint chocolate quality to the beer. Those same flavours lingered on in the aftertaste, leaving a slight nutty flavour on the palate.

Two Rabbits Brown Rabbit Billabong IPA The Bottom Line

Two Rabbits Brown Rabbit Billabong IPA is a mild black IPA – weird but drinkable.

Where to Buy Two Rabbits Brown Rabbit Billabong IPA

Two Rabbits Brown Rabbit Billabong IPA can be bought online at the following places:

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