Kyoto Brewing Ichi by Kyoto Brewing Company

Kyoto Brewing Ichi is a 6.5% American IPA from Kyoto Brewing Company, based in Kyoto, Japan. It’s part of their limited edition lineup, can be found in both bottles and on tap at various places across Japan. Kyoto Brewing Ichi is a single-hop IPA with Columbus used for bittering and Cascade, Simcoe, Citra, and Sabro used for flavour. From Kyoto Brewing Company “Kyoto Brewing Ichi was created to show the difference between two very popular IPA terms in liquid form: single vs. double dry hop.”

Kyoto Ichi

Kyoto Brewing Ichi Aroma and Taste

Kyoto Brewing Ichi poured out a slightly hazy golden yellow colour with a thin amount of pure white head on top that faded to a thin layer of bubbles around the outside. Kyoto Ichi smelt like fruity American IPA too, with no discernible yeast aromas. The hops brought a smoother lemon, mango, and pineapple aroma to it, with just a pinch of malt sweetness following up as Kyoto Brewing Ichi warmed up.

The body was smoother than expected, but then Kyoto Brewing Company aren’t known for making bold and brash beers. The hop bitterness was smooth on the palate, with a lemon and mango flavour being the dominant profile to the beer. After letting Kyoto Brewing Ichi warm up, the malt sweetness was more pronounced but was not cloying in any way. The dry, crisp body was pleasant to drink, and also very easy to drink. Kyoto Brewing Ichi finished off with the tropical mango and pineapple flavour leaving a fleeting taste to the beer.

Kyoto Brewing Ichi The Bottom Line

It’s not evolutionary or revolutionary, but Kyoto Brewing Ichi is a solid American IPA.

Where to Buy Kyoto Brewing Ichi 

Kyoto Brewing Ichi can be bought online at the following places:

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