Nomcraft Nordic Funk by Nomcraft Brewing

Nomcraft Nordic Funk is a 6% farmhouse IPA from Nomcraft Brewing, based in Aridagawa, in Wakayama, Japan. It’s part of their limited edition lineup and can be found both on tap and in bottles at various locations across Japan. Nomcraft Nordic Funk is brewed using two different kinds of Kveik aka yeast in Norwegian, though which strains are used are unknown at the time of writing.

Nomcraft Nordic Funk

Nomcraft Nordic Funk Aroma and Taste

Nomcraft Nordic Funk poured out a very haze dark orange colour with a tiny amount of white head on top. What head there was, faded fast to a few bubbles around the side of the glass, leaving just a thin ring of bubbles. The aroma coming off Nomcraft Nordic Funk was of pineapples and mango – from the yeast or from the hops? Though I suspect with the slight phenolic twinge to the aroma, those tropical aromas were more than likely from the yeast. The malt had a subtle pilsner-like sweetness to it, but it couldn’t really cut through the funk that the yeast was given off – in a good way.

The yeast brought the tropical flavours to the body, with a strong pineapple and mango backbone to Nomcraft Nordic Funk. There was barely any bitterness to the beer – maybe I had been too focused on the fruitiness that I had forgotten all about the hops. The tropical flavours were not overpowering and the yeast was just lying in the background with its phenols – nothing overpowering not off-putting about it all. Nomcraft Nordic Funk had just a touch of malt sweetness to it, but the yeasts were the star of the show, with their lingering tropical flavours they produced staying on into the aftertaste.

Nomcraft Nordic Funk The Bottom Line

Who needs hops for fruity flavours when you can use yeast?

Where to Buy Nomcraft Nordic Funk

Nomcraft Nordic Funk can be bought online at the following places:

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