Devilcraft Patriot Crush by Devilcraft Brewery

Devilcraft Patriot Crush is a 5.5% NE-IPA from Devilcraft Brewery, based in Shinagawa, in Tokyo, Japan. It’s part of their draft line up, though due to COVID-19, it began to be bottled. As such, its availability at the time of writing is unknown.

Devilcraft Patriot Crush・デビルクラフト ペイトリオットクラッシュ

Devilcraft Patriot Crush Aroma and Taste

Devilcraft Patriot Crush poured out a slightly hazy golden yellow colour with a thin white head on top that faded fast to leave a few bubbles around the side of the glass. Devilcraft Patriot Crush had a fruity aroma coming off it – a slightly tropical one with some hints of citrus coming off it. The light tropical dusting had hints of pineapple and mango to it, with the citrus aroma being firmly encamped in the lemon and grapefruit range. Nothing brash or bold but simple and balanced in the end.

The body wasn’t overly bitter, but the tropical and citrus notes came through strong. Like in the nose, the tropical fruits were mostly pineapple, with some hints of mango, and the citrus was off predominantly lemon with some grapefruits. Devilcraft Patriot Crush was quite simple in terms of flavour, but on the whole, was well-made. The fruitiness lingered on into the aftertaste, and brought a slight sweet base to the proceedings.

Devilcraft Patriot Crush The Bottom End

In terms of NE-IPA is light, but in terms of flavour, it’s good.

Where to Buy Devilcraft Patriot Crush

Devilcraft Patriot Crush can be bought online at the following places:

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