Vertere Sumire by Vertere

Vertere Sumire is an 8.5% imperial stout / pastry stout from Vertere, based in Oku-tama, in Tokyo, Japan. It’s part of their draft and canned lineup though its availability is unknown at the time of writing. Vertere Sumire is brewed using Maris Otter, Carafa3 sp, Oats, Melanoidin, and Special x malts, and also contains lactose and maple syrup.

Vertere Sumire・バテレすみれ

Vertere Sumire Aroma and Taste

I know what some of you are thinking – it’s an imperial stout so of course Rob is going to rave about it. Proclaim his undying love this beer, run off and get married to it. But hear me out.

Vertere Sumire poured out a thick gloopy pitch black colour with a modicum of tan-like head that clung to the side of the glass throughout drinking, leaving brown streaks down the side of the glass. Talk about thick. The aroma coming off of Vertere Sumire was a thick, sweet, burnt caramel one – well there is maple syrup in this beer – that when chilled is slightly restrained. Let it warm up and it is rich, thick, and burnt – Vertere Sumire is a pastry stout. The creaminess of the lactose comes screaming through and before I knew it, it smelt like a hot chocolate with way too much sugar going on.

The body was more of the same – I wish I could have necked this when Vertere Sumire was chilled as the flavours were restrained. However, let this warm up at your peril, or at least get five people to share this with as it will either rot your teeth with the amount of sweetness in it, or you’ll need to run a marathon. Vertere Sumire was honestly too sweet for my liking and I really struggled to get through half of it when it had warmed up. A shame as I can imagine the lactose and maple syrup going well with one another if it had been slightly more chilled. But that richness just lingered and lingered.

Vertere Sumire The Bottom Line

Vertere Sumire is rich and cloying. If you like that sort of thing, you’ll like this.

Where to Buy Vertere Sumire

Vertere Sumire can be bought online at the following places:

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