Nara Fleming by Nara Brewing Company

Nara Fleming is a 7.7% saison from Nara Brewing Company, based in Nara, in Nara, Japan. It’s part of their bottled and draft lineup, though its availability is unknown at the time of writing. Nara Fleming is brewed using Styrian Goldings and Merkur hops with the malt bill consisting of Pilsner malt and Carapils.

Nara Fleming ・奈良フレミング

Nara Fleming Aroma and Taste

Nara Fleming was a lively one for sure! Make sure when you open your bottle of this stuff that you have a glass ready for it as it’s a blower! This bottle had been chilled as well so I can only imagine how much more livelier it would have been once it had warmed up somewhat. Nara Fleming poured out with a massively fluffy white head on top off a slightly hazy golden straw colour. The head took ages to settle down and was a good warning for what lay ahead. The aroma coming off of Nara Fleming was a classic saison one – light phenols from the yeast, with a dry and light biscuity base, and a subtle edge of citrus vibrancy to it. Once it had warmed up, a light peppery dusting came through the vibrancy of the citrus and phenols. I could happily have smelt Nara Fleming for ages.

The body was gassy but that didn’t come as a surprise after seeing how much head was on top of the beer. It was almost champagne like with the carbonation, but it was on style. The light biscuity body, along with the phenols and citrus notes, all came together very nicely, with a dryness to it that made it easy-drinking. There was a subtle sweetness to it once the bottle had warmed up – no way was I going to rush a 750ml bottle of beer – that was perhaps the only down point on a beer that was fantastic to drink. Nara Fleming finished off with a faint lingering phenolic base, and just a light hint of citrus staying on.

Nara Fleming The Bottom Line

Brilliant, one of the best saisons I’ve had from Japan.

Where To Buy Nara Fleming

Nara Fleming can be bought online at the following places:

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