Vertere Fusca by Vertere

Vertere Fusca is a 6% sour blonde from Vertere, based in Oku-tama, in Tokyo, Japan. It’s part of their canned and draft lineup, though availability at the time of writing is unknown. Vertere Fusca is brewed using a selection of malts, which includes Pilsner, Pale 2 Row, Pelton, Wheat Malt, Oats, and Maris Otter, while the hop bill includes Calista and Saaz. What makes Vertere Fusca a sour blonde? Everyone’s favourite: Lactobacillus.

Vertere Fusca・バテレフスカ

Vertere Fusca Aroma and Taste

Vertere Fusca poured out a light golden straw colour with pretty much next to no head on top of it – there was some life in the body but the only couple of bubbles on top popped and faded away. Unsurprisingly, Vertere Fusca had a sour nose to it that was punchy and in-your-face – something that I never thought Vertere were really capable of doing. The hops brought a light floral aroma to the sourness with just a hint of light creaminess from the body coming through too once Vertere Fusca had warmed up somewhat.

The body packed a sour punch from the get-go – no light or gentle sourness from this beer! The sourness lingers on the palate and is unashamedly the base flavour for Vertere Fusca with just a light dusting of floral hoppiness coming through the beer. Vertere Fusca had some light malt flavours coming through too – a touch of creaminess, a touch of sweet breadiness, but they couldn’t really cut completely through the sourness enough to take control. If you hadn’t had guessed by now, the aftertaste was also one of sourness.

Vertere Fusca The Bottom Line

Bring a bit more floral flavour to Vertere Fusca and you’d have a really good beer.

Where to Buy Vertere Fusca

Vertere Fusca can be bought online at the following places:

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