Yggdrasil Viking Weizen by Yggdrasil Brewing

Yggdrasil Viking Weizen is a 5% hopfenweizen from Yggdrasil Brewing, based in Hiratsuka, in Kanagawa, Japan. It’s part of their draft lineup, but due to Covid-19, it was also put into bottles, so it may not be on sale at the time of reading.

Yggdrasil Viking Weizen・イグドラシルバイキングヴァイツェン

Yggdrasil Viking Weizen Aroma and Taste

Yggdrasil Viking Weizen poured out a dark amber colour with a plump fluffy white head on top – it didn’t look like your typical hefeweizen with a body of this colour – very strange to be honest but that’s Yggdrasil Brewing. However, it did smell like one, with the typical banana and clove aroma to it. I guess you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover as I would have thought that Yggdrasil Viking Weizen had been a mistake. I’ve never had a “hopfenweizen” before and couldn’t find anything out about it in any of the brewing books I’ve got but I

The body was light and dry, with the typical banana and clove flavours coming through, but nothing really too cloying either. Despite the name having “hop” in it, Yggdrasil Viking Weizen wasn’t hoppy by any stretch of the imagination, which was a little disappointing to realise, but also nice as sometimes not all beers need to be hopped to high hell. Yggdrasil Viking Weizen finished off with a lingering creamy yeast phenolic taste to it that screamed “I’m a weizen!”

Yggdrasil Viking Weizen The Bottom Line

Don’t judge a book by its cover – you might miss out on a nice beer.

Where to Buy Yggdrasil Viking Weizen

Yggdrasil Viking Weizen can be bought online at the following places:

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