Nomcraft Ebbegarden V3 by Nomcraft Brewing

Nomcraft Ebbegarden V3 is a 4.5% session hazy IPA from Nomcraft Brewing, based in Aridagawa, in Wakayama, in Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap. As the name suggests, Nomcraft Ebbegarden V3 is brewed with Ebbegarden, a strain of Kveik yeast, which is famous for being able to ferment beers at higher than regular temperatures. This version of Nomcraft Ebbegarden is brewed with Cascade, Citra, El Dorado, and Idaho 7 hops.

Nomcraft Ebbegarden・ノンクラフトエッベガーデン

Nomcraft Ebbegarden V3 Aroma and Taste

Nomcraft Ebbegarden V3 poured out a hazy dull orange colour with a plump, sticky white head on top that collapsed in on itself, but not before leaving some sticky residue along the side of the glass. The aroma was mostly of tropical fruits, with mango and pineapple coming through when chilled, with some light citrus dusting also coming along once it had warmed up. Unsurprisingly, there was no yeast aroma coming off of Nomcraft Ebbegarden V3 , and what sweetness there was, was fleeting and faded fast to leave just the tropical fruits behind for the aroma.

The body started off sticky, with the same mango and pineapple flavours coming through that were present in the nose, but they lingered for much longer on the palate, especially once Nomcraft Ebbegarden V3 had been given the change to warm up somewhat. At 4.5%, there was no alcohol flavour at all to the beer, and on the hot day that I drank this, it went down far too easily – I hate to use the phrase, but it really was like drinking a cold mixed fruit juice, and didn’t really taste like a beer.  There was absolutely no bitterness at all to the beer, from the first sip, to the last gulp.

Nomcraft Ebbegarden V3 The Bottom Line

Nomcraft Ebbegarden V3 is straight up mango and pineapple juice.

Where to Buy Nomcraft Ebbegarden V3

Nomcraft Ebbegarden V3 can be bought online at the following places:

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