Nomcraft Let’s Go West by Nomcraft Brewing

Nomcraft Let’s Go West is a 6.5% West Coast Pale Ale from Nomcraft Brewing, based in Aridagawa, in Wakayama, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap. It’s brewed using 7 different kinds of hops: Cascade, Citra, El Dorado, Galaxy, Halletau Blan, Topaz, and Yellow Sub.

Nomcraft Let's Go West ・ノンクラフトレッツゴーウェスト

Nomcraft Let’s Go West Aroma and Taste

Nomcraft Let’s Go West poured out a light honey colour with a small amount of white head on top – though I couldn’t fit all of the beer in the glass. What’s the point of having a glass if you can’t get all the beer in it?! Anyway, if you do get the glass from Nomcraft Brewing, just be warned! The beer had a distinct orange and melon aroma going on, with just a hint of butter / diacetyl as well once it had warmed up. Not your classic West Coast Pale Ale aromas, especially with the butteriness once it had warmed up. The malts brought a faint creamy sweet aroma, but it was faint and only present when warm.

Despite the plethora of hops going on in Nomcraft Let’s Go West, it wasn’t an overly bitter beer. The orange and melon flavours paired off with the sweetness from the malts but that subtle diacetyl butteriness just lingered at the back of the throat – not enough to really be off-putting but enough just to be a niggling feeling. It finished off with a sticky orange flavour that faded quickly.

Nomcraft Let’s Go West The Bottom Line

Nomcraft Let’s Go West is good but that butteriness niggled me.

Where to Buy Nomcraft Let’s Go West

Nomcraft Let’s Go West can be bought online at the following places:

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