Shimane Pilsner by Shimane Beer Company

Shimane Pilsner, which is sometimes known as Shimane Beer Hearn Pilsner, is a 5% Czech pilsner from Shimane Beer Company, based in Matsue, in Shimane, Japan. It’s part of their all-year round range and can be found in cans, bottles, and also on tap across Japan. Not much else is known about Shimane Pilsner besides it winning Japan’s Best Pilsner in the 2018 World Beer Awards.

Shimane Pilsner・島根ピルスナー

Shimane Pilsner Aroma and Taste

Shimane Pilsner poured out a cloudy golden yellow colour with a large frothy white head on top that collapsed in on itself quite quickly. The aroma was quite bread-like, with a little bit of yeast on the nose, as well as a noble hop quality to it. Quite straightforward when chilled, but as it warmed up, Shimane Pilsner also brought a faint sweetness to the aroma.

The straightforwardness of the beer continued through into the body with a cereal-like body and a faint noble hop flavour to it. The malts brought your typical lager sweetness; however, there wasn’t much else on show really. Shimane Pilsner was also clean – no off flavours to it, and the aftertaste was your usual plain, pilsner body.

Shimane Pilsner The Bottom Line

Shimane Pilsner is your typical craft beer version of a pilsner – not exciting and nor worth splurging over the macros.

Where to Buy Shimane Pilsner

Shimane Pilsner can be bought online at the following places:

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