Ebina Lager by Ebina Beer

Ebina Lager is a 5% Czech pilsner from Ebina Beer, based in Ebina, in Kanagawa, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap. Ebina Lager is also the flagship beer for Ebina Beer and was one of their first beers that they came out with, with the the help of Nihonkai Beer Club.

Ebina Lager・エビナラガー

Ebina Lager Aroma and Taste

Ebina Lager poured out a golden brown colour, much lighter than I expected for a lager to be honest, and much lighter than your usual Czech lager too. The aroma though was all lager, with some light biscuit notes coming through the rich noble aroma with just a smattering of butteriness coming through. It was enough to be noticeable but not enough to be overpowering or unpleasant on the palate really.

The body was more of the same as the nose. The rich noble hop flavour bringing some peppery and spicy notes to a relatively safe beer – safe in that it ticks all the boxes it’s supposed to. The main downside to Ebina Lager is that it lacks that typical crisp bitterness that a lager often has – that same flavour that gets you coming back for another one. However, I suspect that is down to Ebina Lager being in a bottle rather than on tap.

Ebina Lager The Bottom Line

Ebina Lager is a decent effort, but take the fresh tapped version of the bottled version.

Where to Buy Ebina Lager

Ebina Lager can only be bought at Ebina Beer at the time of writing.

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