TDM 1874 Brown Porter by TDM 1874 Brewery

TDM 1874 Brown Porter is a 5% porter from TDM 1874 Brewery, based in Tokaichiba, in Kanagawa, Japan. It’s part of their autumn seasonal lineup and can be found in both cans and on tap in limited locations. It is brewed using cocoa alongside a grain bill that contains six different kinds of malt.

TDM 1874 Brown Porter・TDM 1874 ブブラウンポーター

TDM 1874 Brown Porter Aroma and Taste

I’m a little biased towards porters and stouts – I don’t think they get enough love in Japan, with people seemingly preferring lighter or hoppier styles of beers. Shame on them, but more for me I guess. And that’s how I feel about TDM 1874 Brown Porter.

TDM 1874 Brown Porter poured out a dark brown colour with a small amount of fluffy white head on top that faded to an oily slick in the middle and a few bubbles around the outside. There was a light coffee and chocolate aroma, with just a slight hint of roasted malt and earthy hops to it. All the aromas got stronger as TDM 1874 Brown Porter warmed up.

The body was more of the same but with a smooth, dry body to it. There was no semblence of any acrid black malt going on – something that can happen if a brewery uses too much of it in their beer. The body was also light and had just enough to it to ensure it wasn’t watery. Once TDM 1874 Brown Porter had warmed up, there was also a subtle twang of nuttiness to it, before it left a roasted coffee and caramel aftertaste.

TDM 1874 Brown Porter The Bottom Line

If you like porters, you’ll enjoy TDM 1874 Brown Porter. If not, then give it a try.

Where to Buy TDM 1874 Brown Porter

TDM 1874 Brown Porter can be bought online at the following places:

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