DD4D IPA #014 by DD4D Brewing

DD4D IPA #014 is a 6.5% American IPA from DD4D Brewing, based in Matsuyama, in Ehime, Japan. It’s part of their numbered series, with this being their 14th batch brewed. It’s brewed using Cascade, Columbus, and Idaho7 hops and can be found in both bottles and on tap.

DD4D IPA #014

DD4D IPA #014 Aroma and Taste

DD4D IPA #014 poured our a light golden straw colour with a large, plump white head on top that clung to the side of the glass as the beer went down. The initial aromas when chilled were tropical – think papaya / mango, with some pineapple and piney notes coming through too. Not a huge dank piney nose though by any means, but enough to get the olfactory senses going.

The bitterness to DD4D IPA #014 was smooth and not as abrasive as I thought it was going to be. Along with the tropical flavours of papaya / mango, the balance shifted nicely to a soothing, juice-like one that had a dash of grapefruit when DD4D IPA #014 had been given the time to warm. The malts brought a subtle caramel edge to take off some of the piney dankness too. DD4D IPA #014 had a lingering fruity aftertaste to it that was on the cusp of a West Coast IPA and a NE-IPA.

DD4D IPA #014 The Bottom Line

DD4D IPA #014 was a nice soothing IPA that bridged the gap nicely between a West Coast IPA and a NE-IPA.

Where To Buy DD4D IPA #014

DD4D IPA #014 can be bought online at the following places:

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