Nagomi Brown Porter by Hansharo Beer

Nagomi Brown Porter is a weird-lookin’ 5% Brown Porter by Hansharo Beer Brewing.

Nagomi Brown Porter Aroma and Taste

Nagomi Brown Porter pours out extremely headless (bubbles in photo definitely photoshopped, I can tell because of the pixels and having seen a lot of shops in my time). It’s also OPAQUE. Was not expecting that. The swirly appearance makes it looks like a lumpy chocolate milkshake.

Now, the official website says that this beer has the aroma of Cafe Au Lait, but I didn’t get any of that. For me, it smells sweet and malty, like Fruit Malt, or Soreen, or Malt Loaf, or whatever you called it when you were a kid. You know, the extremely thick and chewy raisin bread that was impossible to cut into slices without compressing it to about a third of its size. You know they make banana flavour now? Wild. Good stuff.

Unsurprising, then, that it also tastes like fruit malt. Which, if you’re still in the dark, just imagine a raisin malt bread with enough density to distort reality around it. Dried fruit and malt is a great match for this beer, and I really enjoyed this offering from Hansharo Beer Brewing. I’d happily drink this at room temperature. Hell, I’d drink this hot. Maybe. The opaque appearance is a little baffling though.

Nagomi Brown Porter The Bottom Line

A swirly brown porter with a great fruity malty taste. Get it!

Where to buy Nagomi Brown Porter

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