Songbird Giono by Brewery Songbird

Songbird Giono is a 7.5% Belgian dark ale from Brewery Songbird, based in Kisarazu, in Chiba, Japan. First released in 2017, It’s part of their autumn seasonal lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap at select locations across Japan. Songbird Giono is brewed using a porter recipe but then fermented with Belgian yeast.

Songbird Giono・ソングバードジオノ

Songbird Giono Aroma and Taste

Songbird Giono poured out a dark brown, almost charcoal black colour, with a large frothy off-white head on top, that lingered for a good five minutes before fading to a few bubbles around the outside. Songbird Giono had a strong coffee and chocolate aroma, with just a hint of black malts lying the background. The Belgian yeast funk was lying in the background, waiting to surprise you, with its subtle spicy nose. Once it had warmed up, there was slight liquorice and toffee aroma to it.

The bitter chocolate was paired up with a creamy, vanilla nose to it. Songbird Giono had a peculiar lingering herbal taste to it – not quite liquorice flavour to it but something coming close to it. The beer was reallly smooth, both when chilled and also warmed up, but when it warmed up, there was a lingering rum-like quality to Songbird Giono – very nice!

Songbird Giono The Bottom Line

Who’d have thought a porter with Belgian yeast would work!? Songbird Brewery must have known as it does!

Where to Buy Songbird Giono

Songbird Giono can be bought at the following places:

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