Derailleur Nishinari Riot Ale by Derailleur Brew Works

Derailleur Nishinari Riot Ale is a 5% American pale ale from Derailleur Brew Works, based in Osaka, Japan. It’s part of their regular lineup and can be found in both bottles and on tap. At the time of writing, it’s unknown what hops went into Derailleur Nishinari Riot Ale, nor the malts or yeast either.

Derailleur Nishinari Riot Ale ・ディレイラ西成ライオットエール

Derailleur Nishinari Riot Ale Aroma and Taste

Derailleur Nishinari Riot Ale poured out a hazy deep straw orange brown colour with a small amount of frothy white head. The head didn’t last long, nor did the beer look like your traditional American pale ale. It had a catty-like aroma to it, with a woody dankness that had the aroma of cardboard – perhaps the hops had been oxidised or were not fresh. Derailleur Nishinari Riot Ale certainly wasn’t ticking the boxes to be an American pale ale.

The same aromas were as present in the body – a woody dankness with some sweet hints of malt to boot. There was a faint hint of bitterness to Derailleur Nishinari Riot Ale, but it was all about the malts. Had Derailleur Brew Works actually had an American pale ale before? Homebrew elements came to the forefront once the beer had a chance to warm up – some sulphide buttery flavours. While Derailleur Nishinari Riot Ale was drinkable beer, it wasn’t pleasant.

Derailleur Nishinari Riot Ale The Bottom Line

Label Derailleur Nishinari Riot Ale as an English pale ale, and it might pass. As an American pale ale? It most certainly isn’t worth it.

Where to Buy Derailleur Nishinari Riot Ale

Derailleur Nishinari Riot Ale can be bought at the following places:

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